Lady Luxe's
Introduction Blog
MARCH 1ST 2025
How devoted you are to obeying and ensuring you are pleasing me with every tiny detail possible will vastly be dependant on if you read my blogs. You see it is here where you'll get little tid bits of info and facts of what I like , what irratates me and what can put me in a deadly mood out to ensure that those who ive deemed good enough to give ME their hard earned cash are doing so without skipping a beat. It's here where I'll suggest some punishments and for those paying attention they can reach out and submit whether that'd something their okay with. And just so much more info you won't find elsewhere.
Learn more about ME, Lady Luxes. Learn about how I ended up here l, Controlling the minds, actions abd most importantly the finances of the collective assortment of all men, females, trans and theys that were specifically choosen after showing the unique and selective traits that appeal to me when I envision the very imperfect, obedient, weak minded follower, kind of submissive,, sissy, pay piggie, human ATM, Paychek, wallet drainer. Of course there's more thing I look for In a pay pig but by far the most attention grabbing ones are the ones that don't make ME look for THEM. I will not lower myself to the likes of the subs where I go out seeking to find you guys. If you know how this works and understand what is to be expected from all the lil paypiggies then I shouldn't even have time to go searching for any pay subs, because there should be plenty of you filling up my inbox on my website or at withscreenshots prooving their tribute payments via acreenshots through the various methods I've made available on my Linktree and this website
Infact I've made it so simple and secure to keep everyone's information anonymous and safe that I've added the ability to pay via stripe right onto my website as well as made a few anonymous wishlists with items that can be purchased and sent to me with oth your and my personal information very discreet and trusted so that no one has anything to hold back from fullfilling their lives purpose and please me by taking the money they worked for and spending or giving it to me. Without any hint or Lil nudging from me. You all should know what's expected of you and I will not pit up with anything less than perfection or what I've expressed is to be spent or sent . In this blog you'll learn how far I'll go to receive obedience and recieve what I deserve in life from each and everyone of you. Your learn tid bits of info if you wish to earn brownie points or make up for something you had done that was less than perfection or less than my expectations . So read close pay attention and you could find yourself possibly being own by me or on my top 5 pay pigs of the week/month.
That's all for today's lesson aka blog it's kn your best interest you pay tribute and take in my blog information on the regular. I assure you of this. Because I don't want to wait when it's spring time and I need some spring coats and clothes. OR my bills are coming up. I need you all to be on top of all of this so I don't have to and I can wake up well rested with money in my account enough to pay I durance or a package at my door with my new spring ankle boots.
Keep this in mind it will serve you well my lil piggies piggies
Xoxo ciao◇◆LadyLuxes◆◇
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