Lady Luxe'sTop
10 Commandments
To initiate any interaction or request a partnership with myself, a nonegotiable Tribute* payment MUST be paid through any of my available forms of payments(to be found on the 'Contact Me' page), or any purchase from one of my wishlists (located on same page as above). Once purchase or funds are transfered a confirmation screenshot on your end must be sent to the information email found on this site with subject line being 'initial tribute payment'. At which point I will ne alerted, and once I receive confirmation on my end, you will receive a response email from me.
In the response email you will pick up on two distinct narratives from me. The first will be a professional, down to buisness but with a touch of a more humanizing nature. This will be a brief personalized request of information from you, nothing to indepth just what specifically you wish to receive from the dominate end of things. Also you will receive a short blurb about my specialties and such. Then the tone will change and off to the races we will go
- As I'm sure you are already aware your initial tribute payment is just a payment to receive access to me. So you can expect at some point for a demand of another payment or gift to be made, in a timely manner of course.
- 'No' or 'I Cant' are two phrases/words that will no longer be in your vocabulary when speaking with me. Should you forget your place in this partnership and use either, in a response to Me, you can expect that I will without missing a beat reprimand you, and if need be give you either a 'Strike' or a punishment of which I will expect to be followed to a T and without hesitation.
- I lead with a 3 Strike ruling. That should be self explanatory but for those who struggle to find more than a few brain cells in their head, I'll do you this one favor for those who are new around here, but don't get used to me explaining myself or repeating myself on a day to day habit because if I need to repeat myself it's because you weren't listening and if I dont have your full undivided attention, we'll let's just say, it won't be a pretty response from me. The 3 strike rule is when you've committed, or disrespected me in such of a way that a sheer punishment is not good enough. Because once you reach STRIKE 3 you can find yourself banished from all forms of communication with me.
- REPENTING, should you ever find yourself on the other side of the 3 strikes, and have given some time for me to calm down. I will allow 1 and only 1 Get back into my graces card. With this you can return to the site and through the contact me section reach out but only after sending the $100 (or woshlist item close in proximity to that price) and San Diego screenshot of that through the contact me on my website but also you must separately resend a tribute payment with a screenshot of that as well and an explanation as to why you feel I should give you another chance and an apology following that . At which point once I get around to seeing the email I will respond likely giving you a punishment of reserved only for those who are repenting for their prior wrongful doings. once this punishment is completed and proof is sent to me he will be allowed too communicate and follow my demands again.
- The sending of my 'Tribute' is not a one tine expectation. Whether we keep the amount the same as the initial amount required, or I change the amount to more or less, will be up to me myself and I, alone. But whatever the amount I land on will be an amount that I will expect typically daily and preferably prior to my waking up in the morning, but later in the day will make do if need be. After some discussion I can also decide whether adding the agreed amount 7 times and receiving it weekly or 14 times for every 2 weeks or 30 for a monthly payment. Regardless that payment will be paid daily, its just a manner of what will be more successfully for you to follow the rules and make the payments on time in accordance to your paychecks.
- But paying the simple Trubute will not be enough to keep me satisfied and there will be times I demand extra payments to be made or I expect for you to use that puney little brain of yours and send gifts or funds at random in order to stay on my goodside. Because of ive noticed you've only been making your regular payments and not taking it upon yourself too unique additional payments or gifts or surprises without the needs of me reminding over enforcing it then I will speak to it that either a punishment or straight will be demanded of you and this could happen at any time it could be if I've noticed you haven't sent any surprise funds or gifts within a week or a month or a couple days it's whatever I see fit so if you have the phones to do so I would recommend that you take the responsibility on yourself and don't make me feel the work for you by reminding you.
- At any point should you try to reverse a payment or cancel a gift you will immediately be blocked and denied any attention or access to me. And only the act of a grand gesture will get you out from that excommunicated. Of course it will be followed the same way as a REPENTANCE. But the gesture must meet the size of the crime. So keep that in mind.
- Last but not least if at any point you need to have a conversation that IA important and needs to takes place outside of the tone of the partnership, the safe word is 'Banana'. The safebword is not one to be tossed around and should ONLY be used in circumstances such as; a need to press pause in our communication and agreement due to loss of job, your life partner or husband/wife found out and you need things to cool off a bit, or you've had a major unexpected expense that has come up that not only needs your financial attention but actual attention as well. Or if your dealing with some intimate issues regarding your family or buisness or your health or someone close tp you or anything of those nature's that would be understanding for you to need q pause press. You can also use the safe word if ( and this usually can only be used in the beginning or if I'm trying out something new with you) but whatever it is, it's not appealing to you in the way you require and you would like to either let me know so I can move away from those actions or tones and you can give another example of what would be most ideal for you. And lastly you cab press pause if at any point you need to notify me of anything that would need to be taken seriously and you felt it only fair and right to notify me.
That concludes the
Top 10 Commanments